Things we need to do to be allowed back next year

Captain Killjoy and the Fun Police

The Department of Public Works and the Edge of Chaos Circle are in charge of making sure that no matter how close we teeter towards Chaos, we do not trip and fall over the edge. They’ve done their part to enable a safe event. Please do yours.

Burning Nest is a licensed event held on private property. There are some activities that we just can’t do on site, and things we cannot bring.

Code of Conduct

The Burning Nest Code of Conduct was updated in 2023. Please read through and understand your responsibilities as a participant.

The Consent Circle has developed systems of reporting and care and support in the event of breaches of the code of conduct. See the systems in place on the Consent page.

Specific Agreements

Artists who have received Art Grant Funding have signed the Art Grant Agreement which outlines their responsibilities towards Burning Nest with their art.

Theme Camps who have received placement have signed the Theme Camps Agreement, which outlines their responsibilities towards Burning Nest and participants with their camp. See the full policy HERE.


  • No pets allowed on site
  • Do not set off fireworks
  • Do not fly drones
  • No unauthorized vehicles to be driven on site during the event, including bicycles, scooters and e-scooters.

Caring for the Land

We are very lucky to hold the event in such a beautiful location. The Glade is full of fields, hills, protected grasslands, a spring and a lake. We need to take good care of the land, and leave it better than we found it. 

The land is also home to a number of residents. There are people living in the gate houses at both entrances to site and also in the main house. Please be respectful of the people who have welcomed us at their home and do not enter into any fenced off areas as a matter of respect for their privacy.

General Care Notes

Take care of the grass. The fields holding the Theme Camps and much of the main activity at Burning Nest is protected grassland. Be mindful of driving on grass, digging up turf, putting anything on the grass (sawdust, chemicals, greywater) damaging the trees and greenery, etc. Everything must be left the way we find it.

The use of non-biodegradable soap and chemicals is not permitted anywhere on site. Greywater with bio-soap can be disposed of in hedgerows. 

MOOPy items like glitter and feathers are not permitted at Nest. Please make sure you do a MOOP sweep during event and as you leave (pick up anything that shouldn’t be there MATTER OUT OF PLACE)

We have done a very good job of caring for the land in past years. Let’s keep it up this year!

Fire pits and Barbecues

All fire pits and BBQs must be raised off the ground and kept a safe distance away from tents. Please bring a fire extinguisher if you are bringing a fire pit.


If you die at Nest, you die in real life

“Safety Third” just means do two other things first (like bacon and coffee for instance). It does NOT mean disregarding safety completely! Be sensible, know your limits, and take care of one another. Carry lights at night, drink water, eat food, wear sunscreen….

If you need medical care, go to the Medics who are situated in Free Camping. If you are unable to go to the Medics yourself or require assistance please get someone to find you a Ranger. Rangers are people in green tailcoats who are sober volunteers and are there to help.

A Security Team are also on site at the request of Nest. These are selected by Nest and are familiar with our culture and principles. They are there to keep us safe.

Vehicles and Camping

Where to Camp?

“Free Camping is the large, flat, open field near Gate suitable for pitching tents. You are also welcome to pitch your tent where you like, except the locations listed below.

Where not to Camp?

Please avoid camping:

  • anywhere near the houses or main house
  • on the big lawn in front of the main house next to the lake
  • in a pre-allocated placement area (e.g. theme camps and art)
  • under old trees (these are marked with any combination of signs, longer grass and / or roped off)

Don’t pitch your tent in a walkway or a fire lane. If you do accidentally pitch in a walkway or fire lane, you will be asked to move and if we can’t find you when we discover it, we will be left with no alternative but to move it for you (sorry!).

Tents must be pitched 6m away from vehicles for mitigating fire risk and preventing carbon monoxide fumes from being inhaled by those in tents. This also applies to generators.

Live-in Vehicles

Any vehicles camping in the main camping areas must be parked on the edge of the marked access routes facing outward into the access route so that they can pull forward safely without being blocked by tents.

Once vehicles are parked please avoid turning on engines, particularly at night when people are asleep. 

There is a designated area for live in vehicles and it would be preferable for live in vehicles to park in this area. If Live-in vehicles are mixed with the tents, you MUST observe the safety advice provided above and observe a 6m distance between vehicles and tents. Please note that there are two camping areas positioned directly opposite the live-in vehicle area, so if you would like to be close to your friends in tents, it is still possible!

Driving and parking

Be very careful driving vehicles on site. Please drive at a walking speed of 5 MPH.

There is a car park for parking of vehicles and we recommend that all non-live vehicles are parked here. Vehicles doing drop offs may only use the access routes and must not drive through the marked out camping areas.

Please avoid driving vehicles during sleeping hours in Free Camping (10pm – 8am). 

Main Area

The main area is home to Theme Camps and Art Installations.

From Monday the 20th, only service vehicles are permitted to move in the main area during the event. All other vehicle movements are prohibited during event week.

Vehicles parked in the main area must be as close to the tarmac lane as possible in order to be able to pull forward easily. If there is wet weather you must not drive on the grass in the main area (protected grassland).

Arrival and Departure


Only enter and exit site from Gate. Precise directions have been sent to ticket holders by email.

Deliveries: also see the directions page for detailed instructions for directing deliveries.

Under no circumstance use the main entrance to the Manor House on the estate. This area is out of bounds. Please respect the residents’ request for privacy. 24 hour guards operate here and deliveries will be turned away. Should a delivery accidentally end up at the Manor House, please let production know as they are permitted access to collect deliveries during office hours.


The Department of Public Work Build Crew is welcome on site from 12.00 (noon) on Monday, May 13th. You must be signed up to the Build crew in advance.

Nestlings with Work Access Permits are granted site access from Friday, May 17th at Noon. These are for Theme Camps, Art Projects and key volunteers. You must sign up in advance via the form.

All other Nestlings are welcome to the Glade from 8:00AM onward on Monday, May 20th. Gate is only open to arrivals every day between 8am and midnight. The gate is locked thereafter by security.

All Nestlings are welcome to stay for Strike! Strikers must be off site by the end of Wednesday, May 29th. Nestlings who are not participating in Strike must depart from site by Monday, May 27th at 15:00.

While arriving and departing, be very careful driving vehicles on site. Please drive at a walking speed of 5 MPH.

The Law

The Law of the land still applies at Burning Nest.

In the event of conflicts that cannot or should not be resolved or mediated internally, law enforcement will be brought in.

Photo credit: Patrick Hendry