Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question, chances are somebody else has too.
Can I volunteer at Burning Nest?
Absolutely! Check out the best ways to get involved on the participation page.
Can I get paid/free tickets/etc. to volunteer?
Sorry, no. At a Burn, everybody contributes according to their sills and interests to the organisation, operations, programming and entertainment. Gifting your time and energy to the community and event is a part of our Burner values.
How much should I volunteer?
There is no specific expectation. Nobody will monitor how much time and energy you give. Different burners contribute different amounts. Some take on an organisational role before the event, then spend a significant chunk of their Burn taking on different positions of responsibility, and maybe even offer a workshop or holding a space. Other Burners sign up for a couple of shifts spread out across the week.
Bear in mind that people tend to enjoy the roles and shifts they take on! They are a part of their Burn experience; not a burden they take on separate to their Burn. Do what feels right and good to you!
Should first time Burners volunteer?
First time Nestlings are more than welcome to volunteer! Your efforts can have a real impact on the event. It is also a great way to get stuck in to the Burner community and values. Check out the “New to Nest” section at the top left of the Participation page.
Are there Showers at Nest?
Nest does not provide any showers. Individuals and groups bring their own showers, and sometimes offer use of them as a gift to the community. But don’t expect it! Radical Self-Reliance. There are also public faucets with clean water.
What are the loos like?
Burning Nest has blocks of temporary compost loos and urinals installed at key locations around side. Those who can use urinals are encouraged to do so, to keep the loos tidier. There are instructions in all the loos explaining how to use them to manage them, care for ordours and keep them tidy!
Some loos have been “adopted” by Burners who decorate them according to a theme of their choice. You are welcome to get involved! Contact
What is the water situation?
There are faucets with clean drinking water throughout the site. These should be used to fill your own vessels. They are not washing up stations.
Most Burners bring large bottles or containers of water to site, and refill them. They carry a water bottle around with them to stay hydrated.
What do we do with grey water?
“Grey water” is the term for waste water from washing up or bathing. It’s not dangerously dirty, but you wouldn’t want to drink it! And it shouldn’t go directly in the field at Nest, either. Please bring your grey water to the forest at the edge of a field, and pour it there while filtering out solids. Dispose of solids in the compost or with landfill waste.
Can I perform/DJ/etc. at Burning Nest?
Absolutely! Put your offering in the programme, and/or liaise with Theme Camps to discuss with them about their parties and programming.
Can I get paid/free tickets/etc. to perform/DJ/etc.
Sorry, no. At a Burn, everybody contributes according to their sills and interests to the organisation, operations, programming and entertainment. Gifting your time and energy to the community and event is a part of our Burner values.
Can I offer a workshop/talk/discussion/activity/game/performance?
YES! Everything to do in our little slice of heaven is co-created. The epic workshops, amazing performances, and quirky community hangouts that are on offer throughout the week are all gifted by our incredible attendees. No headliners here!
See this news post about Events for more details.
Can I offer (X) as an event?
Yes, probably! As long as it is safe and consensual. There is a lot of cool and weird stuff going on at Nest all the time.
Bear in mind that If your offering is very niche, or you have unlucky timing, it is possible that few (or no!) Burners will come.
Where can I host my event?
You have many options! The Glade is your playground. The Point is a public location available for use. Many Theme Camps offer their spaces for workshops during the day. Be sure to communicate with them first before submitting your application! Theme Camps have the right to curate their own programming and schedules.
Also, you can pick any easily identifiable location for your event. For example: by the lower lake, at Gate, outside Free Camping, on the Shambles, in the field looking at the manor house, on the slope below Theme Camps, at the Effigy, at the Temple, etc.
What do I need to do to get my event in the What Where When Guide?
All the details you need to know are on the Programme page.
How will I know what’s going on where during the event?
All the planned activities are gathered together into a Programme, and included in the What Where When (WWW) Guide. You’ll get a Newsletter with a link to this, it’s available for download on the Programme page and some printed copies will be available for perusal at certain locations like Theme Camps, Gate, Welfare, and the Point.
There will be a digital schedule embedded on the Programme Page.
Theme Camps will have a schedule of what’s on each day displayed outside their Camps.
There is also a bunch of stuff happening all the time that isn’t in the Programme! Go explore and find it! Make spontaneous things happen, yourself!
Where can I find information about X?
We try to store all relevant information about the event somewhere on this website. Have a poke around. If you can’t find something you feel ought to be here, email and we’ll find a place for it.
The latest and greatest information is released periodically through the Newsletter, The Carrier Pigeon. Sign up to receive your regular Nest updates HERE.
Some community-driven systems and information are communicated mainly through the Facebook Community Page, the Facebook Event and the Signal Group. If you’re coming to Nest, please join these and invite your friends!
How do I get something into the Newsletter?
Email the relevant organizing circle (see the full list here), or go straight to
How can I contact a bunch of Nestlings about X?
Submit a post to the Newsletter, provide information to be listed on the website, write a news post for the website, post in the Facebook Community Page, the Facebook Event or the Signal Group.