Burning Nest Code of Conduct

A primary goal of Burning Nest, like other Burn events, is to be a welcoming home for anyone who wishes to attend. Our community returns again and again to Burns as co-created havens of abundant joy and self-expression, that also feel safe and inclusive.

In order to sustain this nourishing space, we’ve highlighted some common behaviours in line with the eleven principles of Nest that our extended family aspires to.

The purpose of this Code of Conduct is not to dictate behaviour, but to provide participants with guidance, and provide a basis for discussions if issues arise during the event. We hope we don’t need it to use it. However, sometimes situations do arise that require action by the Event Safety Team. Please take a moment to read through to the end and understand the consequences of unacceptable behaviour during the Burn.

These guidelines have been informed by the Burning Man Org. Regional Safety Network. In the interest of collaboration on best practice across UK events, some elements are aligned with Microburn’s Code of Conduct.

Encouraged Behaviour

Consent is the 0th Principle at Burning Nest and must inform all interactions with other participants, be it physical or otherwise.

Further constructive behaviours that are encouraged and embraced in our community and at Burning Nest are:

  • Participating authentically and actively. Contributing to the health and longevity of this community, to help it to grow.
  • Exercising consideration in your actions and speech around others.
  • Showing respect for the diversity of fellow participants by using appropriate language. If you’re not sure, just ask!
  • Listening to and considering the needs, feelings and opinions of other community members.
  • Collaborating to resolve conflict. If a conflict arises between you and/or other participants, make use of the Rangers’ FLAME approach: Find out, Listen, Analyse, Mediate, Explain.
  • Considering your own safety and that of fellow participants. Ensuring activities/performances allow space for the free, prior and informed consent of participants. If needed, submitting activities for approval by the Dangerous Arts Committee.
  • Being mindful of your surroundings and fellow participants. Noticing a dangerous situation, someone in distress or violations of this Code of Conduct, and alerting Rangers.

Unacceptable Behaviour

Striking a balance between Radical Self-Reliance, Radical Self-Expression and the responsibilities of the Event Safety Team is a challenge for all Burn events.

The Event Safety Team exists to keep participants safe. We are not necessarily qualified or able to either police or pass judgement on personal disagreements between individual community members. Nevertheless, while we encourage the free exploration of personal identity, there are behavioural boundaries that must be respected in the interests of community safety.

What follows is a list of behaviours that are considered unacceptable. Please bear in mind that it is impossible to foresee or encapsulate every scenario in words so it may not be exhaustive. 

  • Violence, or threats of violence, directed towards another person, volunteer, or member of the Event Safety Team.
  • Targeted bullying and discriminatory behaviour.
  • Deliberate harassment, intimidation, stalking or following.
  • Non-consensual physical contact – you must have someone’s consent before touching them.
  • Imposition of unwelcome attention and behaviour, including but not limited to:
  1. inappropriate sexualised language that constitutes harassment.
  2. inappropriate touching, groping or persistent unwelcomed sexual advances.
  3. inappropriate behaviour in public areas or where children may be present. Nest is a family event.
  • Non-consensual photography or recordings. Ask before taking photos or videos of people, especially if they are in a state of undress. Burning Nest is a safe place for self-expression; the default world is less so, and people may understandably like to keep these worlds separate.
  • Abuse or neglect of property, physical or otherwise, belonging to Burning Nest (the organisation), the site owner, or other participants. Examples include theft of or damage to physical property, abuse of the ticketing process, and impersonating any of the event organisers.
  • Disrespecting the local community or surrounding areas. For example: dumping rubbish in local bins, trespassing, repeatedly violating the event’s sound conditions, or other anti-social behaviour.
  • Wanton, flagrant, or repeated disregard for one’s own safety or well-being in a manner that demands the intervention of other participants, community members, volunteers or outside agencies, such as intervention by Nest security, Nest medical, national medical services or law enforcement.
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviours or actions.

Consequences of Unacceptable Behaviour

We are collectively creating a space together. The unacceptable behaviour above is incompatible with the Eleven Principles by which we abide. It may constitute a danger to others or to the existence of the event.

Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behaviour is expected to adhere to the Event Safety Team’s request.

If a participant engages in unacceptable behaviours, the event organisers may take any action they deem appropriate to ensure the safety of the event, site, community and participants. This action may include removing a volunteer from their shift, revoking tickets, evicting a participant from the event without refund, and banning from future events.

Depending on the scenario, impact and willingness of the community, there may be an opportunity to appeal a banning decision if progress towards resolution of any issues is shown.

In the unlikely event that a decision is made to not allow someone to attend Nest once a ticket has already been purchased, refunds for the cost of the ticket (including any fees and donations) will be at the discretion of the Event Safety Team in collaboration with the Finance Link. Nest is not responsible for any secondary costs, such as theme camp donations, travel costs, equipment hire or purchases.

Over and above these steps, Burning Nest, the site owner or individual participants may pursue legal action if a crime has been committed.

What to do if you are subjected to unacceptable behaviour

If a situation makes you uncomfortable, angry or afraid, it may be difficult to know how to address it.

In the spirit of our principles of Community, Participation and Immediacy, we ask that you reach out and share your concerns and experiences with the Event Safety Team. This team is there to support throughout the event and includes Rangers, Security, Medical, Welfare and Consent. We have prepared procedures for responding to incidents of unacceptable behaviour and use these to ensure we record and respond to all reported incidents.

We ask that if you are involved in an incident, please involve the Event Safety Team as soon as you feel able, and before taking unsupported action in response, if possible. Presumptive actions, conjecture or hostile confrontations add risk to your safety and that of those around you. Our number one priority is to keep you and our community safe.

Please reach out – we are here to look after you!