Art Grant decision-making process

What we do and don't fund, and why

Last updated: February 2023

We want to encourage creativity and freedom of thought and expression from the artists applying and are not proposing that an application needs to cover all of the listed criteria to be successful, these are just a way for you and us to assess if a proposal will work, and what it will bring to Nest. To absorb some of the subjectivity of the criteria we create a committee to discuss each application, the applications will be scored against these criteria by this committee. If you would like to join the committee, please get in touch. Committee members will never discuss or score an application they have submitted, or have another conflict of interest.

There is the option for all proposals to have their project publicised in the run up to Nest, or to keep their project underwraps for those plotting fun surprises.

Please reach out to us if something isn’t working, this is your process and we want to learn and adjust as we go.

Decision making criteria:

General Plan: 

  • Has the development of the project been thought out thoroughly and described clearly?
  • Is there a realistic build plan/timeline or has it been built already?
  • Is it clear what the project is about and what it offers to Nestlings?
  • How does the proposed Art fit with the ethos of Nest and is it in tune with all the principles?
  • Does the project require guidance or advice to be actualised?

LNT Plan: 

  • Is there a clear plan for assuring the project and any space it uses will be left with no trace or a better trace?
  • Has there been consideration for avoiding materials that will likely produce MOOP or become easily unattached in bad weather?
  • Has there been consideration for using materials that won’t pollute the land or contain toxic elements?
  • Has consideration been made to source materials second hand or recycled?

Health and Safety:

  • Is the plan well thought through to avoid safety hazards?
  • Will all structures be built so that they are safe for participants to interact with, and can withstand any possible weather? Are the materials used non-toxic to the land/participants?
  • Will any outdoor structures be well-lit at night?


  • Is the proposed budget detailed and realistic?
  • Are they asking for anything irrelevant or listed in the “things we don’t fund”?
  • How much of the project uses second hand/reusable items?
  • Could it still come to Nest in some form even if little/no funding is offered, or is it totally dependent on funding?


  • Does the proposal offer Nestlings something special/interesting?
  • Does the proposal have a strong theme or defining concept?
  • Is it related to the event theme or any specific Nest principles?
  • Does the project create interaction with fellow nestlings or personal reflection?

Things we don’t fund:

  • Tools: Artists must bring their own tools needed to build and strike their projects, and for any maintenance they may need during the week. Although Nest has some tools, these will be used by the build and strike team for general infrastructure and are prioritised for that purpose.
  • Alcohol or other intoxicants
  • Anything illegal
  • Payment for artists or performer’s time
  • Food (unless it is something special being given as part of a larger experience, i.e. cacao ceremony, an art installation that gives out candy prizes, etc.) If you simply want to feed people, then that is considered a ‘gift’ rather than ‘art’
  • Camp infrastructure, such as generators, domes, pavilions, pre-built durable items intended to build out a camp space (we recommend this come from camp fees and your own fundraising as a camp)
  • DJ equipment
  • Tickets (any artists unable to afford full-price tickets are encouraged to apply for low-income tickets if needed)
  • Commercial promotional materials
  • High powered lasers or anything deemed unsafe
  • Gifts or swag

Other considerations:

No high powered lasers. If you plan to mount lasers in your project please include specific details and plans.
All art that includes fire must get approval of the health and safety team, and if approved, have adequate fire suppression materials on hand at all times and be attended by a competent, sober adult at all times that flames are present.