… please make sure you bring enough!
There has been some confusion around the drinking water supply this year, and to clear it all up we’re happy to provide some clarity. We have one water tap on-site, providing drinking water. It is located at the bottom of the hill, a way away from free-camping. You are welcome and encouraged to use it, but you must bring your own containers and transport them to your camps/tents/secret lairs yourselves.
In previous years we have had community-organised water deliveries, via a local company that delivers large (think water cooler size) re-usable bottles, straight to site. They then collect the empties at the end of the event. This has historically proved popular, especially with free-camping, theme camps and people not able or inclined to transport their own water to site.
This year, some members of the community are also looking into building a system that will transport drinking water from one end of the site to the other. While this is a fantastic project and has amazing potential as a long term solution for future events, this is still very much an experiment at the moment and should not be relied upon in lieu of any other water supply this year.If you’d like to get involved with either the bottled water delivery to site, or the new project to pump water around the site, please get in touch with us at community@burningnest.co.uk.
Hope this clears things up!
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