
Nest 2020

Nest Online – thank you all!

By | Nest 2020 | No Comments

Thanks to everyone who joined us on May 30th for Nest Online! Our individual login numbers sat at around 370 over the course of the day – very similar to the attendance numbers of Burning Nest 2019!

All the traditional Burn elements were present – a cabaret, a beautiful Burn, and the love and energy that makes our event and community so special.

Hilda has written up her account of the day:

We are still on a high from a wonderful virtual burn on Saturday.  Just because we are indoors doesn’t mean we can’t have fun, and with this in mind, we held Nest Online, as a way of staying connected with each other, holding our workshops, dance parties and communal activities, all via the magic of video conferencing.

Six separate Zoom rooms (or theme camps) were curated under a ticketed free event, and participants were encouraged to move between rooms in a whole day of activities.  While it was impossible to see everything, my day went something like this:

Starting with Lexicorn Unicorn’s Brunch, we learned how to make playa French Toast, then there was an hour of Qi Gong lead by Rachel.  I took my laptop into the garden and loved stretching with the feel of the grass between my toes (fewer thistles than on the actual site, too!).  After that we needed a rest, which Hammock Half Hour provided, then there was a crafting session, where we were encouraged to bring an unfinished project to work on together.  A personal highlight was Simon’s ‘hundred years of being a hippy talk, followed by the Embassy of Nowhere Ambassador’s party – we dressed in our finest outfits and brought our own cocktails and bubbles.  People made an effort with a beautiful array of hats and formal dress. We jumped rooms again to watch the Barnacles, a talented jazz trio who are on lockdown together, performing live, followed by the chance for us all to join in with the Great Rainbow Piano Singalong, which was a lot of fun, latency notwithstanding!

I only caught part of the cabaret, hosted by the ebullient Rob, but Lara Hopwood reported back that she enjoyed Xavier’s dramatic recitation of French cheeses, Yon’s story of playfulness and collaboration at one Burning Nest between the bridge builders and the trolls stealing the bridge, trying a Zoom body popping wave with everyone, John’s poems of oneness and nature in his excellent bee-bird costume and Iona’s dancing the alphabet game.

Finally, we had drumming from Michelle to accompany the fire spinners which were co-ordinated by Alison, who, while in lockdown on her own, had co-opted her neighbours to standby with a blanket, just in case!  This lead on to some beautiful fireworks and an appropriate burn of the Phoenix effigy on the actual Nest site, in the hope that Nest will rise again next in the not so socially distant form that we all know and love.

We may be in lockdown, but we are not alone.  I love our community!

Thank you Hilda, for a fantastic report of the day!

What were your favourite memories from Nest Online? Feel free to share in the comments below! x

I’m so in love with youuuu….

By | Art, Nest 2020 | No Comments

Now that we’ve all recovered from the fun and frolics of Nest Online, we thought we’d share this year’s Epic Cheese Lipsync: A Little Respect. Thanks to everyone who pitched in with a line of the song, some kitchen percussion, or their fancy dance moves, to make this awesome video happen. And thanks to the lovely Cheese for organising and editing it all together! Without further ado, enjoy!

Don’t miss Nest Online tomorrow from 10am!

By | Nest 2020, Year Specific | No Comments

Well, you lot have been busy! We’re thrilled to see so many Nestlings joining together to create wonderful workshops, dramatic DJ sessions, perfect parties and all sorts of other alliterative ‘appenings (alright, that one was a stretch).

For all information on how to join in with Nest Online tomorrow, be sure to go here: to pick up your ticket (it’s free, but you will need it to get in!)

If you would like to see an overview of the day’s activities (highlighter in hand, ready to circle your favourites), cast your eyes over this glorious Google Doc.

All that’s left for you to do is dig out your glad rags, remember your cup (and something to go in it), and see you tomorrow, at Nest Online! x

Nest Online – the next best thing to getting together in the Glade!

By | Nest 2020 | No Comments

We’re all missing our yearly opportunity to let loose, meet up with friends, learn something new, and share our skills and experiences with our fellow Nestlings. It’s to this end we created Nest Online – a day of workshops, events, parties and get-togethers on 30th May! We can’t do this alone though – after all, you make Nest happen with your contributions, every member brings something unique to our community!

Workshops, talks, whatever!

Whether it’s a yoga class, poetry reading, philosophical discussion or craft-a-long, you can hold your workshop in a Zoom room. Register nice and early to make sure people can see it and sign up in time and plan their day – we all know the pain of having to choose between two conflicting workshops at the same time! To register your workshop, please use this form to let us know by 27th May what you have planned and when you’d like to hold it. Check out the workshops already registered here.

Theme Camp-stravaganza!

We are also offering Zoom rooms to theme camps or groups to use for an extended period – whether you plan to hold an all-day rave, whisky tasting session (BYOB, unfortunately) or meditation circle, we have space for you at Nest Online. All you need to do is register your interest here by 24th May, and if you’d like to see who has already registered to host a theme camp, click here.

Burn, baby burn!

We will even be hosting a Burn in the main room, between 9 – 10pm! Alex, the landowner, has agreed to build and stream the flaming heart of our yearly celebration. What better way to look forward to next Nest, than all coming together virtually to set things on fire? We are hoping to have some fire spinners perform too, for a properly authentic Burn!

How do I join in?

To join in with Nest Online, we will need you to register for a membership on Quicket (don’t worry, it’s free!) – that way, we can send you the Zoom access information for the workshops we are hosting. We have also created a Facebook Event, where you can promote your workshop, team up with others for ideas, or see what we have planned!

We’re also looking for people to help us out on the day – think of it as Virtual Rangering! If you have tech/video skills, or can offer any time to co-ordinate, please get in touch.

All this information is, as always, available on the Nest website. If you have any questions at all, please do get in touch using this form.

2020 Membership Refund/Roll-over deadline is this Sunday!

By | Nest 2020, Tickets, Year Specific | No Comments

Thanks to everyone who has already got in touch about 2020 memberships. Please remember that you have until 17th May (this Sunday!) to let us know what you’d like to do with your 2020 membership – any Nestlings missing this deadline, will have their memberships rolled over until next Nest. Please check your details carefully when completing this form – log in to your Quicket account to make sure you are using the same email address as your registration, and include your parking pass, if you opted for one. 

We have already refunded some of our 2020 memberships, but we aim to have the rest completed by 31st May. If you have any questions or issues filling in the form, please get in touch.

We still have a few Nestlings who haven’t contacted us about their memberships – let everyone who might miss this email know that time is running out! Some figures for you:

Membership requests confirmed: 171/261
Transfer: 114
Refund/Donation Requests: 57
Refund/donations processed: 46

We also wanted to thank everyone who has left a comment or note when contacting us about 2020 memberships – we’ve received so many messages of love and support, it reminds us just what an awesome community we have. We love you all 💖

Nest Online – the next best thing to going outside!

By | Community, Nest 2020 | No Comments

Hello, our gorgeous, lovely, and hopefully healthy Nestlings!

If there’s one thing we’ve learned since the pandemic crisis started in the last few months, it’s that nothing seems to dampen the creative and caring spirit of our little community. Since we had to make the heartbreaking announcement that we could not hold our usual celebration this year, we’ve received messages of support, love and empathy with our difficult position. It’s a shared sadness – we look forward to meeting up with our friends every year so much!

Just because we’re indoors for the time being though, doesn’t mean we can’t still have fun. It’s with this in mind that we’re holding Nest Online – a way of connecting with each other, holding our workshops, dance parties and communal activities, using the magic of video conferencing!

We can’t do it without YOU though! Do you have an idea for a workshop, or a burning desire to dance like no-one’s watching? Or would you like to support people in making their dreams come true – maybe you’re a technical whizz, or can help co-create something from afar?

If so, follow the link above to our Facebook event, where you can register your event (we’ve got to make sure we don’t have too many scheduling clashes!) and see what’s going on.

All our love,

Burning Nest HQ x

Burning Nest 2020 Cancellation Update

By | Community, Nest 2020, Year Specific | No Comments

Dearest Nestlings,

Some decisions are hard to make and even harder to announce, so it is with heavy hearts that we confirm this year’s Burning Nest is cancelled. 

**Update 28th April: we now have an FAQ covering membership refunds here**

This decision was not taken lightly and with the principle of Civic Responsibility in mind and in light of the unfolding coronavirus situation, we have taken the pre-emptive step and incredibly tough decision to hold off running our event in 2020. 

We have our community’s best interests at heart and feel it is our duty of care to protect our Nestlings from large scale gatherings. While the UK government has not yet officially curtailed these events, we believe it is only a matter of time before they follow suit. 

I’ve bought a membership and want a refund – what do I do?

Although our terms and conditions state that memberships are non-refundable we will be doing everything in our power to return as much as possible back to you. Given the complexities of an event this size and the fact we’re a community and volunteer organisation, please be patient whilst we navigate the best way to deal with this unprecedented situation. We will be releasing further information about this in the next week or so. 

I have applied for a grant for an art project or theme camp to bring to Nest – what do I do?

Rest assured that if you have already spent grant money on an art piece, we will be reimbursing your costs as normal. We wish we could have seen all your art and hope that you can still create it for 2021.

We want to assure you that all your amazing work, time and investment whether it be physical, emotional or financial will not be going to waste. We will be back in 2021 and we hope that coming through this difficult time as a community will just serve to make us stronger and bring us closer together.

Burning Nest is a beautiful experiment in community and we will continue as one. There are many things more important than a Burn, namely everyone’s health, and safety (in spite of what we may often repeat) comes first. 

This could be a wonderful time to reflect and think about other important things in your life, where else to invest the energies we’d have exerted in preparation and during the Burn. We might want to invest them in ourselves, loved ones, friends, charities, local projects or getting things done that you’ve been putting off for ages. Even learning a new skill or reading the book you’ve been meaning to for ages. Please remember to be kind and compassionate to yourselves and fellow humans as we need it more than ever right now. 

Great communities thrive whilst coming together during times of crisis and I know that our wonderful Nestlings will do just that. 

Thank you all for understanding –  we are really sad to have to make this decision. 

We will be releasing more information in the next week or so, but in the meantime, if you have any questions, please email us or contact us on any of our social media networks. 

The Effigy Burns in 439 (ish) days!

All our love,

Burning Nest HQ x

Burning Nest COVID-19 Update

By | Nest 2020 | No Comments

Dearest Nestlings,

We’ve been keeping an eye on the latest developments regarding COVID-19, or Coronavirus. Today, the UK government has announced that they are moving into the “Delay” phase of containment, to protect the public.

What does this mean for Burning Nest?

Based on advice from Public Health England, Nest will be going ahead as planned. Obviously this is an evolving public health situation and we will be regularly reassessing and updating the community. We will be continuing to sell memberships (our next wave will be available on Sunday 15th March at 11am) and plan for the event we all love. We will be monitoring the news for any announcements regarding large gatherings, and we will keep you updated of any developments via our usual channels of Carrier Pigeon email, Facebook and Twitter.

What extra measures will be taken at the event to keep us safe?

We will be providing extra hand-washing and sanitisation stations, to help all of us keep on top of cleanliness. Radical Self-Reliance is still one of our core principles, but we will also do everything we can to keep everyone safe. Our on-site paramedics have received Coronavirus-specific training as well, to help us identify and handle any issues that masy arise at the event itself.

What happens if Nest is cancelled?

If UK-wide measures are taken that mean we are unable to hold Burning Nest in 2020 and must cancel, we will be issuing partial refunds to all members, as our funds allow. Nest is not run for profit – all the membership sales go towards producing the event itself, and some non-refundable payments (such as the site deposit and insurance) have already been paid. However we will endeavour to refund as much as possible back to our members – after all, everyone running Nest, also bought their own ticket!

Is there anything I can do now?

Keep yourselves safe and healthy! There is plenty of information online, regarding ways to avoid the spread of COVID-19. Please follow this advice, and avoid risks where possible. 

Finally – remember your own communities, at a time when people may be scared or worried about the future. Check on your neighbours, and try not to hoard supplies if you can really help it. With a bit of communal effort and a lot of common sense, we’ll see each other back in the Glade in no time. 

If you have any questions at all, please reply to this email or get in touch with us on any of our social networks. We will reply as soon as we are able – please remember that all of us are volunteers with full-time jobs too!

All our love,
Burning Nest HQ x

Join us at Build and Strike!

By | Nest 2020, Volunteering | No Comments

The Build and Strike teams are the handy-dandy do-it-yourself stars of each Burning Nest. They arrive before everyone else and help create our paradise, and leave after everyone has finished partying, taking the decorations down and turning the lights off.

There’s something special about these teams, and the sense of camaraderie shared by everyone is palpable. Are you good with a saw, a drill or planning decor in a large space? Do you yearn to express your inner artist through the medium of string lighting? Or do you want to provide for people who have been grafting all day, by feeding and watering them lovingly?

If any of this sounds like fun, and you are able to either arrive before the event, or stay after it’s finished (or both!), take a gander at our form, and sign up to help!

There are a couple of slightly more responsibility-heavy roles to fill too:

– ON-SITE kitchen co-ordinator for build and/or strike
– Strike Co-ordinator

If you’re planning on just turning up, please let us know so we can feed you! x

This could be you!

Next Community Meeting: 28th March! Come one, come all!

By | Community, Nest 2020 | No Comments

Our last Community Meeting was a great success, with many newbies and old…bies? (ahem) meeting up and discussing their ideas for the future of Burning Nest.

Want to get involved? Our next Community Meeting is going to be held on 28th March, at 26 King’s Mews, London, WC1N 2JB (map link here).

Please plan to arrive for mingling at 2.30pm, with the meeting starting just before 3pm. We hope to be all wrapped up and out by 4.30pm (although there are plenty of nice pubs close by, if you want to continue the fun).

Bring snacks to share, drinks (hot and cold) and get comfy with your fellow Nestlings!

See you there! x