All the things!

By April 30, 2018Uncategorized

All of the themes!

As promised from last week’s mail-out, we’re ramping up your news bulletins in the final stretch to Nest.

In addition to our next site visit on Sunday, there are a few key things following on from last week, so pay close attention!

Remember if you misplace this email, you can find everything on the Nest News page of the Nest website. We also stay in touch through the Burning Nest Facebook group.

Contents for this week 

  • Site-tastic
  • Art Dates
  • You’re cabin me on
  • Memebership-iddy-do-dah 


Site Visit #2 

Following the success of the visits in late February, we’re hosting another crew and community site visit on Sunday 25 March.

This is a fantastic opportunity to meet the Nestlings, get a few key people from your theme camp, your installation and your free camping crew together to scope out the site. Some of the core team (Leads from DPW, Edge of Chaos, Community Embassy) will be joining us, so you can ask questions as you go.

Pro tip: this is also a good event to bring new folks who you think would make banging good Nestlings. If you would like to come, do RSVP via the Facebook Event Page ordrop Sam an email.


Art Dates Updates 

We’ve extended the deadline for the Temple and Effigy design. This is to ensure that everyone who has expressed an interest has sufficient time to get these to the Nest Art Team. If you’ve already submitted something and want to resubmit, or submit another idea, or your first idea – you’ve now got til 29 March. You can submit via this handy online form!  

Art Grant Second Cycle
Second cycle for Art Grants up to £800 is open and submission deadline is 25 AprilAll detail can be found on the Nest website

We now also have a Nest Arts Tech Wiki! It’s a wondrous place full of advice and resources relating to making art for Nest.  It is a work in progress, but will be added to by our Artist Tech Support Lead, as well as anybody who has information to add that they think will help out Nestlings bringing art. Get involved!


Now we turn our attention to your home during the Burn, Theme Cabins! So what is a Theme Cabin? According to Burning Man it’s a ‘camp site that artistically represents an idea ro concept and is designed to create an interactive experience for participants’. At Nest we believe they’re an opportunity for experimentation and community living, for you to channel your radical self-expression, in particular how Cabins might tie into our theme: Portals of the Multiverse!

Last week we promised all you Cabin Leads that we would be opening Theme Camp registration very soon. And here it is!Do try to get as much of this info to us as soon as possible. It will help us allocate you the spot that you want in the Glade and support you with everything you’ll need, like power.

We can also help by giving you a shout out on Nest news to attract any prospective Cabin-mates and visitors who might want to join in with your special cabin experience. Nothing like getting everyone excited for what will be in our Nest!

Before you fill out the form, do make sure you read up on Theme Cabins on the Burning Nest website.


Finally, another quick round up on memberships. We are delighted that we have now had almost three quarters of our membership allocation purchased and so many Nestlings, old and new will be participating in what might be the Best Nest Yet.

We do have to restrict numbers for insurance purposes, so if you’re still on the (trash)fence about coming, better make a decision soon – and remember you can transfer your ticket to anyone that has a Burner Bio when the transfer window opens on 2 April.

I mean, who would want to miss out?!

Don’t forget if you delete this by accident, ALL the info will be on the NEST NEWS page on the Burning Nest website and keep checking back to get the most up to date info there at any moment.


~ Siren ~

Nest Central